Mark Zuckerberg has done an amazing job with social networking giant – Facebook. After all these years it’s still the number one player in the game with continued growth and revenue and it doesn’t seem like it’s stopping anytime soon!
With Facebook’s new Save Button for the web businesses can now copy and paste simple code into their articles and allow those articles to be saved to Facebook for the user to read later. Now users can read all their favorite articles in one place in an environment over 1 billion people are already familiar with: Facebook. To add to that, Facebook launched Instant Articles, allowing publishers all over the web to format their articles for users to read right inside Facebook. Users in essence never have to leave Facebook to read your blog. Get them to like your page, perhaps mark it as “See First” or a favorite or add it to a list, and now when they see your articles in their feed they can click on the articles and click the “Save” button to save it for reading later. That pretty much resolves most of the functionality of an RSS reader!