Reason to Hire Fulfilment Houses UK

Fulfilment house UK can provide individuals with great service if they want to ship commodities but without any normal upfront costs which several of the individuals have to pay. The essential part of fulfilment process is order fulfilment. When any company sells any commodity to its consumers, it is required for them to undergo a process to acquire the orders of clients for the commodity fulfilled. Processes like packing, labelling of the product, picking, shipping of the commodity and lastly tracking these orders are involved in this. Following each and every step perfectly is not at all easy and moreover needs good attention. Incurring a single mistake can be terrible for the manufacturer. That is the reason of utilising the services of Fulfilment House UK by every giant commodity-selling companies. Continue reading Reason to Hire Fulfilment Houses UK

Direct Mail Marketing – is there Still a Place for it?

Direct mail has been used as a marketing technique for a very long time, long before the use of the internet for marketing and advertising. Does it still have a place in the digital world we live in?

The answer is definitely yes. Direct mail is an important way to reach a new audience, many of whom may not even be online. It’s often used by charities and not for profit organisations as it is a good way to reach a lot of people and let them know about news and developments.

You don’t have to just send direct mail out to everybody. You can create targeted mailing lists to reach the people you want to.These may be previous customers or people who have shown an interest in your business before. You can even integrate your online and mail marketing to ensure you are covering all bases and advertising as widely as you can.

Optimise Your Email Marketing For Mobile

Mobile optimisation is something that needs to be considered for email marketing, due to the increased amount of time spent online via mobile technology. Optimising your campaign for mobile and desktop is vital in making sure that you keep all recipients happy.

There are two ways in making sure that your emails will render on both mobile and desktop. The first option is costly, but the most recommended in the long-run. Create responsive design templates which will automatically modify itself to fit the shape of the recipients device without affecting the quality of the email. If your budget is much lower, then the second option will be best. Make sure that your design follows these three steps;

  1. Design a template which is 300-400px wide
  2. Images must be smaller in file size
  3. Font should be larger, making it easier to read. Minimum we recommend is 12px.

What Not To Do When Email Marketing

Our last post was giving tips on what to do when email marketing, but we never touched on what we think you should avoid.

When creating an email campaign, do not spend too much time on personalisation. First, make sure the content in your email falls in line with the outcome you would like. Personalising an email by name is the minimum requirement.

Don’t send the same kind of email more than once. Email marketing is extremely popular for every company, meaning your client is most likely signed up to more than once companies newsletter. Make sure the content is fresh and most importantly relevant. There’s nothing worse than sending an email to a client where there’s no relevancy. All you will see are your response rates going down.

2 Important Email Marketing Tips

Email Marketing is a great tool with nearly three times as many users with an account compared to the two biggest Social Media accounts (Facebook and Twitter) combined. Here are a couple of tips we recommend you implement in time for your next campaign.

Make sure that your email has a call-to-action. This makes it easy for your recipient to take the action you would like them to take.

Including social media share buttons enables your recipient to share the email on their social media accounts, which is a valuable opportunity for brand new business. One share by your contact can increase your reach tremendously, so we definitely recommend these buttons.